Raster Graphics

Nowadays images that you see are usually raster images, these images are formed form a grid of pixels (also known as Bitmap). There are some disadvantages to raster graphics such as the file size; the bigger the image more space is needed on your computer which can be a problematic because raster graphic requires large amounts of data to be stored on it. The solution to this problem would be compressing the files size into one of these file types JPEG, PNG or GIF.



File Extensions

A file extensions is what you find at the end of the file name for example .DOCX or .TXT, this defines what type of file it is. The file extensions is used to determine which application is used for the process of opening the file and also providing the file with an image usually a logo representing the application.


Lossy & Lossless Compression 

Lossy & Lossless Compression defines when the compression of the file will lose its data or remain to keep its data when the process is undone. In Lossless compression the information that was compressed will not be lost, once the file is uncompressed the information is recovered, this form of compression is essential for text files or other important application such as spreadsheet files because if numbers or words were missing from the file it could potentially cause problems. Lossy compression does the opposite to Lossless Compression because data is removed from the file once it is compressed. The parts of the data that is removed are not noticeable by the user because this compression is usually used on videos instead of text, so it would be hard to pinpoint where the data was reduced.


BMP Format

BMP format main purpose is to store colour data and is unaffected by compression when it stores images with colours (each colour pixel will be unaffected), this file format is ideal for users who are printing off  images but isn’t use as frequent as JPEG’S or GIF’S because there are able to minimize the file size as well.

http://techterms.com/definition/bmp Date when access 27/06/2015


PNG Format

PNG file format is for decreasing the file size without affecting quality of the image of a file, this file format may in the coming future replace the current image compression that is frequently used, this file format has many advantages to a GIF format for example a PNG format can be compressed at least 30% more than a GIF format.

http://searchsoa.techtarget.com/definition/PNG Date when access 27/06/2015



Tiff Format

TIF file format is used to transfer and store images to programs that use scanner or other devices that can capture images, the main usage for this file format is faxing and 3 dimensional applications.

http://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/TIFF-Tag-Image-File-Format Date when access 27/06/2015



JPG psd

A JPG format is a file extension, the user can find this type of file by taking a picture with a phone or digital camera also JPG formats can be found on Webpages. This format allows the file to be reduced without altering the quality too much when compared to other file formats but, if the user reduces the file size considerably it will have a major impact on the images quality.

http://graphicdesign.about.com/od/Definitions/g/Jpg-Files.htm Date when access 27/06/2015




Title Unit 35 Graphics p1 m1 d1

http://08346gcog.blogspot.co.uk/2014/06/introduction-to-digital-graphics.html Date when access 27/06/2015

Title Raster Graphic

http://techterms.com/definition/rastergraphic Date when access 27/06/2015

Title Raster Images,File Extensions & Cover Compression

https://07268grum.wordpress.com/2013/11/07/raster-imagesfile-extensions-cover-compression/ Date when access 27/06/2015

Title lossless and lossy compression

http://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/lossless-and-lossy-compression Date when access 27/06/2015

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